Customer Information Brochure

Who we are

Accessible Telecoms – What is it?

The NDIA funded ACCAN in 2018 to provide a one-stop Nationwide Disability Telecommunications Information and Referral Service for people with disability (NTDS). The service was named Accessible Telecoms.

Accessible telecoms is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia, through a grant made under section 14 of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999. This grant is funded through the Telecommunications Industry Levy.

We can help you find the right information, equipment, or training service to stay connected.

How much will the services cost?

This is a free service that can be used be anyone including seniors, people with disabilities, their families, and carers.


How to contact us

 How do I get answers?

Call us free of charge on 1800 442 300

SMS/Text:                 0438 454 413
Email:                       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact us by calling the National Relay Service (NRS) on 1800 555 660. NRS is a telephone service for people who are deaf or who have a hearing or speech impairment.

If you require translation, contact Accessible Telecoms by calling the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450.


Write to:

Accessible Telecoms
PO Box A1158
Sydney South, NSW 1235

What are your rights?

As a user of Accessible Telecoms service you have the right to:

  • privacy
  • be treated without discrimination
  • any information about yourself or your situation
  • be treated as an individual, and to have your choices respected
  • have a say in decisions made about your rights
  • complain or take action to resolve a dispute


What are your responsibilities?

So that we can continue to provide you with a great Accessible Telecoms service, it is important that you:

  • provide staff with true and full information about your situation
  • respect the rights and needs of other people using our services
  • let staff know if you need an interpreter or have any other special needs
  • be polite to our staff


What if I am not happy with the service provided?

image of Sad face icon The Accessible Telecoms service aims to give you the best service so we would like to know if you have any problems. Your access to the Accessible Telecoms service will not be stopped if you complain!

If you do not feel comfortable with a staff member, please ask to speak to Director of Operations of the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network ACCAN.

Can someone help me make a complaint?

Yes! You can ask a family member, carer or friend to advocate on your behalf. You have a right to an advocate if you are a person with a disability or their supporter, family member, friend or carer.


How do I make a complaint?

If you feel your rights are not being respected or if you have a complaint or concern about the service you have been receiving, you can do any of the following:

  • If you feel comfortable about it, discuss the problem with the staff member involved – this may lead to a quick solution
  • If you are still unhappy you could speak to the ACCAN Director of Operations (the telephone number will be given to you on request)
  • If you are still unhappy you could speak to the ACCAN CEO (the telephone number will be given to you on request)
  • If you are still not happy you may wish to speak to the Federal Ombudsman on 1300 362 072


Accessible Telecoms Customer Information Booklet August_2021.docx

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