Digital Literacy Foundation
The Digital Literacy Foundation focuses on building digital skills and confidence; working to close the digital divide and reduce social and economic exclusion.
They provide free one-on-one support by connecting you with a patient and skilled volunteer Tech Mate who will support you in your digital learning journey. Your Tech Mate can assist you on a phone, laptop or tablet and will give you a chance to learn about technology at your own pace in a relaxed environment.
Access Needs:
- Cognition
- Hearing
- Vision
- Speech
- Physical
- New South Wales (NSW): Penrith, Blaxland, Springwood, Richmond, Mt Druitt, Blacktown, Bidwill, Condobolin, Lithgow and Bathurst.
Training Delivery:
- Individual
Available Training:
Tech Mates can help you learn basic skills on your smart phone or tablet (Android, Apple or Microsoft). The most common things people come to learn about include: navigating a device, emailing, texting, using apps, social media, using the internet, managing files and troubleshooting problems.
Their mentors / Tech Mates can only support you to learn skills – they cannot help you with fixing a broken device or assist with hardware issues.
To book in or enquire about a program, call 1300 163 106 or (02) 9090 4141
More information
For more information on Tech Mates or other resources and program visit Digital Literacy Foundation Website
For additional information call 1300 163 106 or (02) 9090 4141