inDigiMOB is an Indigenous Digital Mentors project that aims to improve digital inclusion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in remote Northern Territory. It does this by making available a flexible suite of resources that communities and organisations can take advantage of, according to their diverse needs and contexts.
These resources include technical, training and infrastructure support. They aim to establish local digital mentors; improve digital literacy through workshops and training; support connectivity solutions; provide technical advice; and develop appropriate and relevant learning tools. inDigiMOB emphasises informal, peer-to-peer learning that values the experiences and knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Learning is project based, inclusive, responsive to community wishes, and, where relevant, builds on existing projects.
Access Needs:
- Cognitive
- Hearing
- Vision
- Speech
- Physical
- Northern Territory (NT)
Training Delivery:
- Individual
- Groups
Available Training: - Free training
inDigiMOB can provide training on a range of topics that includes use of smartphones and tablets, either on Android, Apple or Microsoft operating systems. Training options also include a range of applications (apps) and settings available on those operating systems.
inDigiMOB also provides training on the use of social media apps, indigiTUBE, and common content creation apps, such as drawing/design, audio and video recording and editing.
More Information:
Link to inDigiMOB Facebook page
Link to inDigiMOB Twitter account
To find out more about inDigiMOB email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or ring 08 8952 6465.
List of locations that host regular inDigiMob activities and workshops:
Northern Territory (NT):
Angurugu, Umbakumba, Alice Springs Library, Timber Creek, Yarralin, Santa Teresa, Yuendumu, Yuelamu, Kintore, Nyirripi, Willowra, Gapuwiyak, Ramingining, Milingimbi (Yurrwi), Nhulunbuy, Larapinta Valley, Hidden Valley, Charles Creek, Karnte, Trucking Yards, Little Sisters camp and
Warlpiri camp.
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